Political World Atlas

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Place names on this map tile
Alejandro Selkirk Island, Antofagasta, Atacama Desert, Atacama Plateau, Chile, Chile Basin, Chile Rise, Chillán, Chiloé Island, Chonos Archipelago, Chubut River, Colorado River, Concepción, Copiapó, Cutral-Có, Desventuradas Islands, Domeyko Range, Esquel, Guafo Island, Gulf of Corcovado, Juan Fernández Islands, La Serena, Lake Llanquihue, Lake Nahuel Huapí, Lake Ranco, Limay River, Magdalena Island, Mendoza, Mount Aconcagua, Mount Ojos del Salado, Neuquén, Neuquén River, Osorno, Puerto Montt, Rancagua, Robinson Crusoe Island, San Ambrosio Island, San Carlos de Bariloche, San Félix Island, San Juan, San Rafael, Santiago, Talca, Taltal, Temuco, Valdivia, Valdivia Fracture Zone, Vallenar, Valparaíso, Viña del Mar